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Frequently asked questions

In this section we have put together a list of the most popular questions and their answers. If your question is one that is not covered in this F.A.Q., then please do not hesitate to contacts us. In order to satisfy all requests and answer all questions, our team works every day and does its best to provide the highest possible level of support service.

Account Questions
Who can participate in Coin Trade Waves?
We welcome investors from all over the world. But most importantly you must be 18 years of age. You should also be able to deposit a minimum of $10.00 USD to earn from the investment plans and referral program.

How do I open an account?
Follow this link, fill in the registration form and then press "Create Account".

How can I change my password?
Log into your account and click on "Edit Profile".

How can I edit my payment information?
You are able to enter your payment information only once. After that you will have to contact support if you would like to change it.

Can I open multiple accounts on your website?
No, all accounts with matching IPs will be frozen.

Can I change my upline?
Yes, please contact our support with a request for upline change.

How can I reset my password?
Please following this link for resetting your password in case you have forgotten it.

Investment Questions
Which payment provider can I use for investing?
How can I make a deposit to your program?
Log into your account, click "Make a Deposit" and follow the instructions provided.

What are the investment limits?
The minimum investment is $10 USD and the maximum - $30000 USD.

What is the BTC/USD rate for deposits and withdrawals?
We follow CoinDesk rate for both deposits and withdrawals.

How many confirmation do I need to wait before my Bitcoin deposit is activated in my account?
It takes exactly 3 confirmations (~30 minutes) before your Bitcoin deposit is activated in your account.

How long does it take for my investment to receive earnings?
Depending on your plan, you have to wait either 24 hours or after plan expirations. We have 2 daily plans which pay every 24 hours and 4 maturity plans which pay after plan expiration. Please refer to Investment Plans for more information.

Can I lose money?
All transactions are final and no refunds are offered once a deposit has been made. There is a risk involved with investing in all high yield investment programs. However, there are ways to help you reduce the risk of losing more than you can afford. For example, keep the money you may need for the short-term out of the more aggressive investments.

Can I invest directly from my payment provider?
No, you can only use the deposit page on our site in order to invest. If your deposits was missed, then you can send us a support request containing your username, payment account, transaction id and the amount you have transferred. We will activate your deposit immediately.

Are there any administration fees (from deposit, withdraw, ...)?
No, we do not charge any fees.

Can make additional deposits to my account?
Yes, you can make unlimited deposits in our program.

Can I deposit from account balance?
Yes, you can make deposits from your account balance. Log into your member account, click "Make a Deposit" and in Step 3 choose "Spend funds from the Account Balance".

Do you offer a compounding option?
No, but you can re-deposit from your account balance without requesting for a withdrawal.

I have made a deposit via Perfect Money. Can I receive my profits via another payment provider?
No, it's not possible. We do not provide exchange services.

Withdrawal Questions
Do I have to request a withdrawal to get paid?
Yes, you will have to make a withdrawal request in oder to receive any payment from the site.

After I make a withdrawal request, when will I receive the funds?
Withdrawals are processed manually up to 24 hours or faster.

At what time of the day payouts are made?
Payouts are makde 5 times a day every day of the week (7 days a week).

How can I make a withdrawal from my account?
Login to your account using your username and password and choose "Withdrawal" from the member menu. There you can choose to which payment provider you would like to withdraw your funds.

What is the minimum to request a withdrawal?
The minimal amount is $0.50 USD.

Do you have a withdrawal fee?
No, there are no withdrawal fees.

Affiliate Program Questions
Do you have an affiliate program?
Yes, Coin Trade Waves investors are allowed to advertise their referral links only by means of legal methods. Spam is strictly prohibited. Anyone caught spamming will lose their account immediately.

Do you provide referral commission on deposits from account balance?
No, referral commissions are credited only for deposits from payment provider and not from account balance.

How do referral commissions reflect my account?
You get 2% from the deposit made by your direct referrals (Level 1) and 1% from the deposits referred by your direct referrals (Level 2).

Could I earn referral commission without making any deposits into the program?
No, you must have deposited at least once in the program in order to earn referral commissions.

Where can I get my referral links and banners?
To refer other people to Coin Trade Waves, please use our advertising tools found at "Links and Banners" in the member area.

When do you pay referral commissions?
Referral commissions are credited to your account balance and can be requested at any time. Payments are processed within 24 hours or faster.

Running Days : 2514
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