Please read the following rules carefully before signing in.
Coin Trade Waves provides its service, subject to the following Terms and Agreements which may be updated at any time by Coin Trade Waves or its representatives. Coin Trade Waves provides these Terms to represent the Agreements ("the Agreement") between You (the "Client") and Coin Trade Waves ("the Service"). You agree to be subject to the following Terms by opening an account at Coin Trade Waves.
Registration Obligations
In consideration of use of the Service, Client agrees to the best of their abilities to:
- Be at least 18 years old and act as an individual.
- Provide current and complete information.
- Maintain and update their registration data to keep it current and complete.
- Realize risks involved in investing.
- Not create multiple accounts under one computer and one IP address.*
- Not create of multiple accounts under proxies or VPN servers.
- Not use identical payment processor accounts for both deposits and withdrawals of more than 1 user account.
- Not create wrong speculations and accusations toward our company.
- Not complaint publicly about certain account issues without first consulting our support team.
We reserve the right to limit a withdrawal on a per account basis. For reasons we deem necessary to uphold the quality of our company and its services
Account, Password and Security
Client is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their password and account, and is fully responsible for all activities that occur under such password and account. Client agrees to:
- Immediately notify Coin Trade Waves or its representatives of any unauthorized use of the their password and account or any other breach of security.
- Ensure that they log out from their account at the end of each session. Coin Trade Waves and its representatives will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from client's failure to comply with this Section.
Member Conduct
Client agrees to not use the service for any illegal purpose or in any manner inconsistent with the Agreement. Client agrees that communication between the Client and the Coin Trade Waves personnel is private and is not subject to disclosure. We reserve the right to limit a withdrawal on a per account basis. For reasons we deem necessary to uphold the quality of our company and its services.
User Account Protection
Coin Trade Waves has a highly secured and encrypted script, dedicated server and encrypted EV SSL connection. The execution of payments is monitored and secured. Clients' payment information is locked in and once submitted it cannot be changed by the Client, unless inquired through support.
Special Admonition News
If Client receives or requests any news, messages, alerts or other information from the Coin Trade Waves website concerning companies, Forex, investments or securities, such information is provided for informational purposes only, and no content included in the service is intended for trading or investing purposes. Coin Trade Waves and its representatives, and its licensors shall not be responsible or liable for the accuracy, usefulness or availability of any information transmitted or made available via the Service, and shall not be responsible or liable for any trading or investment decisions made based on such information.
The trademarks, service marks, designs, and logos (collectively, the "Trademarks") displayed on this site and/or on e-mails sent to you are the registered and unregistered Trademarks of Coin Trade Waves and Trade Alliance Consultants' licensors. Your use of the Trademarks displayed on this site, except as provided in these Terms, is strictly prohibited. You acknowledge that Coin Trade Waves owns all branding, graphics and software contained within this site. By using our services You state that You agree to abide by all applicable intellectual property laws. You will not attempt to create a substitute or similar service or product through use of or access to Coin Trade Waves, and You will not acquire any right, title, or interest in or to Coin Trade Waves except as expressly set forth in this Agreement. Coin Trade Waves provides approved material for marketing and use of the affiliate program.
Important Note
You may not post content that:
- is false or intentionally misleading;
- is patently offensive to users of the Coin Trade Waves site, such as Content or messages that promotes racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm of any kind against any group or individual;
- harasses or advocates harassment of another person;
- involves the transmission of unsolicited mass mailing or "spamming";
- promotes illegal activities or conduct that is abusive;
- is threatening, obscene, defamatory or libelous;
- is pornographic or sexually explicit in nature;
Legal Limitations
The Customer must understand that laws concerning financial contracts vary throughout the world, and it is solely the Customer's obligation to make sure and guarantee that he/she fully obeys and fulfills the laws and regulations of the country of residency from which he/she is accessing the Web site and its services. The fact that the Client accesses our website does not actually mean that the services there offered are officially permitted under the regulations and laws of the country of residency or where the Client is accessing them from.
IN REGARDS TO TAX PAYING Without limiting this document, it is solely the obligation and responsibility of the Customer to calculate and pay all the taxes applicable to him/her in the country from which he is accessing the service by us provided. Coin Trade Waves has nothing to do with tax paying by the Customer. Forex investment, as well as any other investment business involves high risk and you may lose all of your money.
Anti-Spam Policy
Coin Trade Waves do not tolerate spam in any of its various forms. Should you receive any spam emails that purportedly come from us, immediately report them to our customer support. By signing up for an account with us you agree to abide by our Anti-Spam policy and to inform us of any instances of spam that may affect us. Any user caught spamming will lose his/her account permanently without a prior notice.
Privacy Policy
Coin Trade Waves stores all the information Coin Trade Waves receive from our members either through our website or e-mail. Coin Trade Waves also store some of the information Coin Trade Waves obtain when members interact with us. For example, Coin Trade Waves store IP addresses whenever members are using our website. This is done in order to enhance the security of the members' accounts and to prevent possible illegal access. Coin Trade Waves do not and will never sell or lease any information about our users to any third parties.
Refund Policy
All services implied and expressed are performed as is and carry no guarantee. All funds contained within accounts are not under any government protection and are not insured. All deposits are made with the understanding of potential gains as well as risks involved. All members should be aware of and accept the potential risks, which include (but are not limited to) the risk of financial losses. When depositing members automatically become participants in the earning program and they are instantly eligible to receive earnings and referral commissions. All referral commissions are instantly allocated to their sponsor, which can be withdrawn immediately by them. Due to the aforementioned reasons Coin Trade Waves do not offer any refunds.